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Sebastian Ross
Sebastian Ross

Software Nemoceph Gratis 18 86 Free

Several studies have been conducted comparing plasterstudy models with digital study models (4,5). A systematic reviewconcluded that digital models offered a higher degreeof validity (2). In spite of evidence showing the diagnosticadvantages of digital study models, their widespread clinicaluse has not permeated in developing countries. This couldbe attributed to the high cost of scanning technology anddependency on software involved in acquiring digital data.Moreover, both plaster study models and digital study modelsdo not serve as a cost effective or time saving method for acquiringdata on tooth dimensions in epidemiological studies.

Software Nemoceph Gratis 18 86


A) Modified single combination intraoral mirror which is usedto take the occlusal maxillary and mandibular photographs. B) 35 mmtrimmed metal scale bonded on both the surfaces of cheek retractor. C)The scale is used for the purpose of calibrating the images in Nemotecsoftware. Individual mesio-distal dimensions of all teeth up to firstmolars are measured in the software.

The assessment of craniofacial structure forms an integral part of the orthodontic diagnosis. From the time lateral cephalogram was invented, lateral cephalometric analysis continues to be one of the gold standard diagnostic aids in orthodontics. Manual cephalometric analysis consumes valuable time due to the tedious procedures associated with it. Various cephalometric software is currently available in the market, which is easy to use and saves time.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 These software are expensive and would require a laptop or a desktop which makes it laborious and less accessible. Practitioners in most developing and underdeveloped countries find it difficult to afford such software.

All statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). An independent sample T-test was done to compare the mean values of each parameter between manual tracing and OneCeph tracing keeping the level of significance at 95%. After a week of completing the initial measurements, five radiographs were randomly selected out of twenty previously selected radiographs and the measurements were repeated using OneCeph software and manual tracing to check for intra-operator errors using the paired T-test.

Similar studies have been done for desktop software like Dolphin, NemoCeph, VistadentTM, Quick Ceph, AOCephTM, FACAD, and AutoCEPH. The authors have claimed that the accuracy and reliability of this software are similar to the manual cephalometric tracing and therefore can be used as an aid in diagnosing, planning, monitoring, and evaluating orthodontic treatment both in clinical and research settings.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 However, the disadvantages of desktop cephalometric software are that it can only be used on a desktop or a laptop, expensive, and require an internet connection.

In recent years, much cephalometric software like Smile-Ceph, Ceph Ninja, and Smart Ceph Pro apps have been launched in the market, which can be used on tablets and smartphones. Few of the studies have found that these mobile digital cephalometric software and applications were accurate and can be used as an alternative to manual tracing.17,18 A study by Gorracci showed good reliability for all cephalometric measurements obtained with an iPad-based software Smile-Ceph, desktop software NemoCeph and manual tracing.12 One of the disadvantages of this software is that it can be accessed on an iPad tablet and IOS devices only.

OneCeph is one such mobile software that is easy to use, quick, and easily dispensable, and user-friendly as it is operated by Android mobile phones.11 The software is versatile as it can be used to do most of the conventional as well as contemporary cephalometric analysis. OneCeph can work on a smartphone even without an internet connection; hence can be used in doing studies in rural centers with less accessibility to the internet. However, this software is currently available only in the android play store and not available in other operating systems like Windows, IOS, etc. Android smartphones are widely used in developing countries as it is easily available and affordable. Hence, OneCeph software can be conveniently used by dental practitioners and dental students serving in primary health care centers in rural areas. Since this software can do analysis only on 2D images hence the disadvantages of all the 2D analysis apply to this software as well. An integrated approach of diagnosis, treatment planning using smartphone cephalometric analysis software will be a valuable tool in rural villages in developing countries with little access to specialized oral health care services, where there is an immense need for orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery, cleft, and craniofacial deformity management. With the recent advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, orthodontic expertise can be shared with the general dental practitioners serving in rural dental clinics via teleconferencing and can successfully enhance the timely orthodontic intervention for patients with urgent need.

The reliability and accuracy of the OneCeph software application were at par with manual tracing. OneCeph is a simple, reliable, accurate alternative to manual tracing which can be easily accessed on a smartphone without an internet connection thereby saving clinical time and armamentarium.


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