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Kind words from my clients


"4 weeks ago, I used to tell myself that I hated my life", "I hated myself". Now, 4 weeks on, these feelings no longer exist. All I feel is the feeling of Love and that life is 'FUN' and is to be enjoyed and embraced.


"I clicked with Gill straight away at the Journey Intensive when we did the exercise to say Namaste and look into each others' eyes, I saw right into her soul and I felt she saw mine. Later in the workshop, I was seeking help for a severe migraine and bumped into Gill - she took me into a process right there and then and the pressure in my head was greatly relieved. Since the workshop, Gill has been working with me 1:1 using various techniques, including anchoring and several Journey processes, to help me with my anger phobia, abundance and general childhood shutdowns. These sessions have proved to be immensely powerful and I'm already beginning to see considerable changes in my reactions and feelings which have benefits all round. Thank you Gill - I'm so glad you were put in my path!"


With love - Clare x


"Sense of wholeness that hasn’t always been here"




"A thoroughly enjoyable morning, ending in a healthy & nutritious lunch of the morning cookery projects. A mountain of new tastes to experience & Gill is very knowledgeable in her subject.

Even having time for a twenty minute meditation just to cleanse the mind and untangle the thoughts."


Highly recommended, thank you Gill.




"Working with The Journey now for over three years has changed my life."






"I have gained new insights today into love and relationships with myself and others, and I feel more committed to better communication now.​"




"Loved the Ecstatic Dance, Loved to get into my femininity and being-ness. Arrived bedazzled and in my head, enjoyed the freedom of expression. Loved I could be in my space, turned into myself and the music. Beautiful array of colours, felt relaxed and content and at one."


Helen xxx


"Today was my first Healthy Food Workshop and I really didn't know what to expect. I am pleased to say that it was a very friendly, relaxed occasion and I was introduced to some very interesting recipes. I loved the hummus and the tzatziki and the filo pie in particular. I also enjoyed the meditation and chat."


Thank you for today. Tess x


"Thank you for today Gill.

I enjoyed the hosting, the interaction with the other participants and of course the food. The short meditation was a bonus. I enjoyed making the seed bread the most as I never do this at home."

Lots of fun and very informative.


"Gill has such a gentle, genuine caring spirit and I have learned so many new things from the day.  The Journey revealed old and unhelpful beliefs, which was profound for me and truly enlightening. Thanks Gill."




"Today was really inspiring, I felt like doors were unlocked and chains were broken. I was able to be really open and honest with people I don’t know. It felt really safe to go through the process. Gill was able to facilitate this workshop where the tools were demonstrated and transferred to our own personal lives. I would definitely recommend this day to anyone who wants to be healed from anxiety, cluttered thoughts or pain. After today I feel peace and a new clarity that it is ok to live in the present. I am loved and accepted and have the freedom to be myself without fear of judgement or rejection."​


"I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to share in this incredible experience. The resources were brilliant as were Gill and Cornelia, who created a safe and open space where we could be authentic and really clear out through the process. This weekend was exactly what I needed and I had such an incredible time not only going through process, but also in facilitating others processes. Thank you! I really can’t put into words what it means."




"Since doing my Journey with Gill I have found more clarity and focus in my life.  I cannot think of a better person to facilitate a Journey.  Gill is empathic, compassionate and understanding.  She made the whole process fluid and natural, putting me at my ease throughout the whole experience.  I found it uplifting, revealing and thought-provoking."​


Lisa Sturge


"I have enjoyed spending the day with other like-minded people. Gill and Patrizia have been great facilitators.  Gills warmth and understanding has been invaluable.  I gained peace from the guided meditation.  Thank you so much for all the healing."




"Dear Gill


I want to share and thank you for the remarkable success I experienced from ‘The Journey’ work I did with you.  After the initial work on my relationship with my partner, I had considerable physical female health problems culminating with a large cyst on my ovary and cancer cells in my cervix.  After I had an operation to remove the cyst and my ovaries, I was in no shape to have the hysterectomy that was being recommended by the medical profession as the way to deal with the cancer cells.

I am in no doubt that the ‘Journey’ work I undertook with you at this time released me from the trauma my body was suffering from and miraculously the cancer cells were taken away under local anesthetic and have not returned.  I have been given a clear-bill of health, and I am convinced that ‘The Journey’ work has been responsible for this.


Once again thank you so much for guiding me through this very traumatic time in my life, and I would highly recommend this course of therapy for anyone needing to address the kind of issues I was facing."


With all good wishes and love Liz

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