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The Cost Of Christmas

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

The first thought often is financial, especially at this time of rising prices and worries about how to meet expectations to buy those gifts for loved ones without going into debt. This was a concern for me for many years. I have since learnt it doesn't have to be this way. I now love this time of year and have a healthier and abundant relationship with both money and the season of goodwill.
The true cost is not just financial and extends to physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The downward spiral often starts by listening to the mind; "What's the harm in eating this piece of cake, biscuits, chocolate, I will start a new regime after Christmas". We all know overindulgence in sugary food has an impact on our bodies and as I know well can impact on our mind too, leaving a sense of feeling foggy, irritable and exhausted. Extra commitments lead to putting off or abandoning a regular exercise routine. How many times have you made a New Year resolution which has failed within days of making it? 

Tips for taking the stress out of Christmas.

Step 1. Ask

Ask for help, sounds simple and yet it is a common trap to fall into trying to do everything ourselves.

Tip 2. Be willing to Receive

Attracting abundance starts with the willingness to receive, whether that is physical help or emotional support.

Tip 3. Be kind to yourself and drop the judgement!

Notice what it would feel like to let go of beating yourself up for overindulging or whatever it is. Witness the tendency to be hypercritical of yourself. It is common knowledge that negative thoughts can have a huge impact on us and yet it can feel impossible to break the habit.

Tip 4. Take action and follow your own advice.

Treat yourself with the same compassion as you would your best friend and follow your own advice.

Tip 5. Take time out to connect to yourself.

This will benefit both yourself and those around you. I highly recommend building and maintaining a regular daily meditation practice. Taking time to be in and make that connection with nature, even if this is a short walk around the garden or stepping outside and looking up at the sky, breathing in appreciation for all that we have and all that we are. Meditations for you :

All this sounds simple and is not always easy to implement when we are facing life's challenges every day. There are many short skills, tools and techniques I would love to share with you in the New Year.

You are warmly invited to a FREE Masterclass on Abundance in January 2023. Please watch this space for more information or contact me through my website:

Coming soon the opportunity to join us for a whole day with myself and 3 other experts in their field: 27th January 2023 - This could be the start to changing your life.

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